Telegram: Our Founder Has Nothing To Hide
Telegram has confirmed that its founder and CEO, Pavel Durov“He has nothing to hide” yet. Arrested by French authorities near ParisThe company said in a statement published on its official channel on the application that “it is unreasonable to hold the platform or its owner responsible for misuse of the platform.”
French authorities confirmed Durov’s arrest as part of a police investigation into criminal activity linked to the social network. Telegram, known for its lax policy on content moderation, is seen by many as a private, censorship-free alternative to other social networks.
The company explained that “nearly a billion users around the world rely on Telegram as a means of communication and a source of vital information,” and expressed its hope for a quick solution to this issue.
Telegram also plays a vital role in providing information during the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia, and Russia appears to be closely following what happens to Durov, who holds Russian citizenship in addition to citizenship of France and the United Arab Emirates, where Telegram is based.
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In a rare interview in April, Durov stressed that Telegram’s goal is to be a “neutral” platform and that it resists government requests to censor content. He also said he avoids traveling to “major geopolitical” countries where the company is “under the radar.”